

A Watchlist is a list of Wiki buying guides, chosen by the user, that is linked to his or her account. Users will be '''notified via email''' when changes are made to any of the articles in their Watchlist. Users can create their own Watchlist as long as they are registered, have a '''valid email address''' in their user preferences and are '''currently logged into''' the system.

Watch and unwatch

It's easy to add (watch) an article to or remove (unwatch) an article from your Watchlist. When viewing a Wiki article, simply click on the '''Watch''' or '''Unwatch''' tab located above the article. If you don't see the tab, you are probably not logged into the system. If an article is already in your watchlist, the '''Unwatch''' tab will be displayed above the article. '''Unwatch''' is displayed for articles that are currently in your list and '''Watch''' is displayed for articles that are not. !

Managing Your Watchlist

An easy way to see all of the articles in your list is to click on the '''My Watchlist''' link at the bottom of your user page (to quickly go to your user page, click on your username in the top right corner of the page). You can also remove articles from this page.

Watchlist Emails

The system will check all of the articles in your Watchlist for changes daily. If an article has been changed, an email will be sent to the email address specified in your user settings. The message will contain all of the articles that have changed in your Watchlist. Changes that you have made yourself will NOT be included''.'' You will not be notified of future changes to the articles until you log into the system again.
Wiki World