
Using Tables

Tables are a great way to organize long lists and use the page space more efficiently. They can be used in many of the same ways as templates, but are easier to work with because they allow you to edit directly inside the table. They also let you add some additional formatting that is also difficult to do with templates. Check out this example: Supplement Manufacturers.

How to Put a Table in Your Article

There are templates available for tables with 2-5 columns, but with simple formatting there can be endless varieties. The template for a two column table is available under Table Template x2, a three column table labeled Table Template x3, and so on. To use them, go to the appropriate template, highlight the table, copy it, and paste it into the article you are working on. The table should now appear in your article, ready to be formatted. This works best when done in the Plain Text Editor.


:Table Template x2 !:Table Template x3 !:Table Template x4 !:Table Template x5

Formatting Tables

Once the table has been created, the easiest way to work with tables is in the Rich Text Editor. By right mouse clicking (control + click for the mac users) on a table cell, you can select the desired action from the drop-down menu.

Adding and Subtracting Cells

To add an additional row of cells, place the cursor inside the row you'd like add and choose "Insert row before" or "Insert row after" from the drop-down menu options. To remove a row, click on the row and select the "Delete Row" menu option from the right mouse click menu. !

Color Codes

To further customize your table, you can use color to highlight certain rows or columns. There are three color styles included in the Table Properties, which you can select from the drop-down menu. For more variety, you can add the basic HTML color codes in the Plain Text Editor, as bgcolor=HTML code. The basic HTML color codes are: RED bgcolor="#666666" Please note that some color are too dark to read text one. For more color codes, check out

Adding or Subtracting the Border or other table properties

Right mouse click on the table and select the "Table Properties" option. Then specify the new table properties. When creating a table you should use a cellspacing and cellpadding of at least 3 for both properties.
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