
Product Reviews

ShopWiki crawls hundreds of product reviews from major sources on the Web to give our users the most complete information available. In addition, each user also has a chance to rate each product, write a product review and edit the other user reviews. After searching for a product and clicking to the product page, you can see all the reviews by clicking the “Reviews” tab. The two types of reviews are on this page. The user-generated ones are the pro and con reviews at the top of the box. The others are sourced by the Web site from which they were crawled.

How to Review a Product

* '''If there are user-generated pros and cons on a specific product:''' ** The easiest way to add a pro or a con is to click the “add things that are good about this product” or “add things that are bad about this product” link and add to the existing list. ** If you click “contribute to this wiki review,” you are directed to the product's review page. *** Here you can click to add pros and/or cons to the list. *** Or you can edit the wiki page by clicking “edit” and either adding your own reviews or editing the existing opinions. * '''If there are no user-generated reviews:''' ** Click the “write your own review” link to get to the product's review page. *** Here you can click to add pros and/or cons to the list. *** You can also add to the list by clicking “edit” as you would any other wiki page. Still can't picture a review? Here is an example of a review page for the iPod.
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